Harry & the wolf

Harry & the wolf


Once upon a time there lived a little boy called Harry. Harry lived next door to a forest and he was the sort of boy that  wasn’t afraid of anything. One day Harry went into the forest when his godfather was sleeping.

As soon as Harry went into the forest his godfather woke up. “Harry, Harry where are you?” He called, but Harry didn’t hear him. Harry’s friend who was a red squirrel waved to Harry from her

tree hole and Harry waved back to Nutty (which was the name of the red squirrel.

Nutty suddenly hid because she’d just seen a big brown grizzly bear about 3 cm behind Harry.

When Harry turned around he saw the bear that was as brown as bronze, but he didn’t scream like any child would, for after a minute or two he realized that it was a friendly bear and so Harry called to Nutty to tell her.

After that the bear made friends with Harry and Nutty then Harry noticed the time and then rushed back home as fast as his little legs would carry him. He ran all the way to the gate where his grumpy godfather was waiting for him.

Just then Harry heard the beautiful sound of singing. It was a girls voice but Harry didn’t care, he just wanted to find the ‘girl’ who was in fact a princess! Harry begged his godfather to go back into the forest, but every time he said “NO!”  but when Harry heard the voice again he thought, “Right. No or not I am going into the forest to find that girl! So when Harry’s lazy godfather was sleeping, Harry silently tiptoed out of the tiny hut. But no sooner had he left the hut he found himself face to face with a big grey, hungry wolf, but Harry wasn’t scared because as I’ve told you before, he isn’t afraid of anything. He then dashed to the forest.

Harry soon found the girl standing upside down on a tree branch singing her song:

Daisy’s, bluebells, lavenders, poppy’s tooooo ooh ooh!

Daisy’s white, bluebells blue, lavenders purple and po o ppy’s too!

la la la lala la la la lala m m m mm m m m mm  da da da dada da da da dada!


Gosh! what a sweet voice she has! Hi! he called up to her. What’s your name? My name is Princess Ella of Scotland. She said politely. Gosh! You’re a princess! Exclaimed Harry. Oh, YES! I was named after my great grandma, Great Grannie Ella (short for Elizabeth). So you’re name is actually Elizabeth? That’s right! May I be your friend? Asked Harry politely. Of course! Ella replied. What shall we do first? She asked. Lets make a secret den with that low tree hole. Good Idea! And they built the den right into the very heart of the tree taking care not to kill it.

Soon the sky started to go dark which always meant a storm, so Harry and Ella sheltered in the den. They had to stay in the den for 54 hours before they could come out to see a big jolly rainbow, and there had been a lot of thunder.  Hello! something said above them. But when they looked up they saw nothing.  Suddenly, Harry realized that there was a coiling thing around a tree and it was a leaf tailed gecko. So it was he who had spoken! Cheeky Gordon the gecko!

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